Friday, August 24, 2012

Don't Take a Washer & Dryer for Granted.

Today was basically spent doing the same thing.  We went to a village called Akwasobo or something like that and conducted more surveys about the boreholes.  Today, we learned that that village doesn't like the boreholes because the quality of the water is bad.  They have a hand dug well that everyone in the town uses because the water is better quality, so they want more of those.  A lot of the locals were saying "Moo-HOO-Ya-Fay" to us, which means "you are beautiful".  Everyone admires us, but I honestly think that the African people are beautiful, especially the kids and their eyes.  Their eyes are just so darn amazing! 

After we got back, me and Leah got in touch with the culture and did our laundry by hand.  The house we have, which is extremely nice for the area, has a washer & dryer but they don't work.  So, we had to get buckets with soapy water and wash our own clothes in the bathroom.  And now, the clothes are hanging on a rope outside.  It was definitely an experience.  The locals don't have washers & dryers, so they have to wash EVERYTHING by hand.  & trust me, they live in the dirt, so their clothes get dirty.  This DEFINITELY made me appreciate having a washer & dryer & a mommy to do my laundry (sometimes).

Leah & I doing laundry

Our pot of laundry

Before dinner, me, Leah, & Lindsey went on a walk in the opposite direction from town, and we came across the illegal mining again.  It was as the sun was setting (the sun sets around 6 to 6:30) so we got some pretty awesome pictures.  Seeing the jungle and trees and sky and pretty sights really reminded me of the Lion King.  It was a quick walk and we explored a little, but the sight was so pretty im pretty sure it's one of those things i'll remember forever. But I guess thats how this whole trip is. For some reason, the pictures uploaded fast today, so here are some pretty pictures I took!

Well. Tomorow is my BIRTHDAY! NO LONGER A TEENAGER! WAHOO! I am so blessed to be spending my 20th birthday in Africa! (:

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